I'm an Applied Scientist at Amazon.

Currently I am teaching more than 10 different courses in Amazon, including Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Time Series Forecasting, Graph Machine Learning, Decision Tree & Ensemble Methods, AutoGluon for MultiModal Data, Machine Learning for Tabular Data and Maths for Machine Learning etc.

Before I joined Amazon, I was a Machine Learning Engineer in Human Machine Intelligence Department at SAIC Innovation Center, helping build the AI system for autonomous vehicles.

I received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2018, working under the supervision of Prof. Zhi Wei . Prior to my Ph.D., I received a B.E. in Computer Engineering and a LL.B. in Civil Law both from Nankai University in 2012.

I am broadly interested in deep learning, natural language processing, bioinformatics and intelligent transportation.

Contact: xg54 AT njit DOT edu

Recent publications

Patents and Invention Disclosures

Industrial Experience

Research Experience @ NJIT

Teaching Experience @ NJIT

Awards and Honors

Professional Service